

The Life of the Gardener

In the novel, the protagonist is a gardener named Mr. Lucraft. His life is difficult and full of struggles. He works long hours every day and barely makes enough money to support himself and his family. The author portrays the poor living conditions of the working-class in London during the late 19th century, where many people lived in cramped and unsanitary housing. Despite the challenges, Mr. Lucraft maintains a positive attitude towards life and is determined to provide a better future for his family.

The Social Environment of the Gardener

The social environment of Mr. Lucraft is also portrayed in detail in the novel. He is a member of the working-class and interacts primarily with other workers in his community. The author highlights the class differences and the challenges faced by the working-class in their interactions with the upper-class. Mr. Lucraft is shown to be a man of principles and integrity, which makes him stand out in his social circle.

The Importance of the Novel


《园艺工人的生活和社交环境》是一部描写19世纪末期英国工人阶级生活的杰作。小说中描绘了主人公Mr. Lucraft的生活和社交环境,强调了工人阶级的困境和尊严。这部小说有着深刻的社会意义,对于了解当时英国社会的阶级分化和工人阶级的生活状况具有重要的启示意义。
